Our Projects House Palembang House

Palembang House

Location: PalembangSize: 838 m2 Type: House

Located in Palembang city, the house was designed with the philosophy of Palembang traditional house which was called ‘rumah panggung’ but with a modern contemporary style. Rumah panggung was implemented in the design structure to form the 1st floor as a stage with implanted transparent sheath to almost cover the entire building. In every circulation area of the 1st floor would be given the element of water that was the implementation of the river, like the olden days houses in Palembang that faced and relied on the river. The traditional house in Palembang always faced the west, but the east was also implanted as the main orientation sheath of the house.

Positioned at the 3-way junction at one of the main roads in Palembang, it would be fairly busy and loud during most of the time, to avoid those nuisances, the front structure of the façade was designed with a solid pattern combination to create a unique welcome point but still kept the privacy inside the house and also served as a sound proof buffer from the outside noise. Giving the layout and zoning, the 1st floor was designed as an open-air area with privacy. Whilst the 2nd floor was more secluded nevertheless still had maximal open area for the owner to enjoy the city’s river view.

Another unique element of the house was the position and design of the main staircase. The main staircase that was located precisely in front of the main entrance with a high ceiling served as an aesthetic element that also served as a barricade for when the owner was using the swimming pool area. As for the dining room area and pantry were designed to be more spacious so that the activities would not be limited.

Architect Principal
Jeffri Angkasa, ST., IAI.Indri Sisilia, ST., IAI.
Architect in Charge
Stenlie Dharma Putra, S.Ars